Thursday, October 31, 2013


Witches, goblins, zombies, ghouls, ghosts.  But no Magick.  Maybe there was once, but no more.  Enjoy, but don't confuse the play with the reality.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Crunge

A quick additional comment on the last post (also titled The Crunge):

Not going to the extremes is not to say that there is no giving of self.  That bridge you're looking for represents a point of balance - a center in the eye of a hurricane, not a place of indifference.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Crunge

"n. (crunnj) the transformation twitch when going from sober to stoned."

Tempting, so tempting, those extremes. Straight or stoned. Fight or flight. Cold logic or molten emotion. Those kind of extremes have no place in Magick, for they lessen conscious control and that closes the Mage to the energy of the Universe. No energy, no Magick.

A Mage stands confidently in the middle of the bridge between emotional extremes, exposed, vulnerable - and most open to Power.

So simple, but it's not easy.  I keep saying that.  Keep remembering it.  Find the confounded bridge.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Sick Again

If you're going to be an artist you have to expose an essential part of yourself to the world. You do it because when you create art, you know the art needs to be experienced by others to be complete.  So you encourage fans, audience, art critics and everyone who wants to, to become voyeurs into your most personal self.  Whether they like your work or not, you invite the peeping Toms to peep.

How sick is that?

Mages who use art as the medium for the ritual walk a thin line.  On the one hand - the artist's hand - they want the attention of the world.  On the other hand - the hand of Magick - they don't. That makes them some kind of walking psycho split personality, doesn't it?

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

No Excess Baggage

How much will does a Mage have to have? Enough will to control his own thoughts without blocking them. Enough will to change his default mode of thinking.

Enough will to not carry around the excess baggage of negative thoughts that undermine the ritual and thus the Magick.

You think that's easy?  Bwahahahaha!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

MAGE MUSIC: Interlude: Fiction

MAGE MUSIC: Interlude: Fiction: For something different today, here is a short story for your enjoyment. Small Stuff By Lif Strand (c) 2013

" was the most frightening thing I've ever done – because irrefutably, absolutely, incontrovertibly I had used magic on purpose. And that’s the most I can tell you."

Friday, October 18, 2013

Just Like Anyone Would Do

No, no, no!  A Mage cannot do what anyone else would do.  Magick is not a bunch of events in a Mage's life like going to the movies or having a birthday party - Magick is a way of life.  Not anyone would or could do that.

If you are trying to be normal, if you are trying to fit in, if you are trying to do things just like anyone would do, please give up even thinking about being a Mage. Spare yourself the frustration because "normal" and "Magick" do not dwell in the same person.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How Many More Times?

Magick isn't about changing a discrete thing somewhere out there in the world - it's about changing your life. This means it isn't a ritual that is supposed to put a Band-aid on something so you can go on about life the way you always have.

Keep thinking like you've always thought, keep living the way you've always lived, and you'll undo anything you achieve with your ritual - if the Magick is even momentarily successful at all.

If you find you're having to try the Magick over and over again because it's not doing what you had in mind, look to yourself for the source of the anti-Magick. How many more times you have to do a ritual before you embrace the new reality is up to you.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Help Me

Let's talk painting for a moment.  Light and shade:  When you mix two colors together the result is something between them. Suppose you mix white and black:  you get gray.

Now let's talk about power.  When someone asks for help, that is actually a request for a shot of the greater power of the one being asked.  Good for the one getting the boost, but what about the person giving it?

Let's say that white is the light of infinite power and black the shade of finite personal power.  Mix them and you get something between them.  Gray has its place, but when it's power and not paint, black gains light at the expense of the white.

When you help others who use your power to raise themselves, you'll feel the drain of your energy as it is mixed with theirs.

If you're a Mage being asked for help, think before risking your own pure light.  Change your own reality, not theirs, because you can't really change other people's lives for them, anyway.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Gotta Make Their Future Bright

You want to engage with others.  You want to defend your person, your ideas, your loved ones.  That's human nature.  But that's not going to get you to Magick.

No one has the right to make choices for others who are capable of making choices for themselves, and who have in fact made all the choices that got them to where they are right now.

Just like you have.

Magick is about changing your reality - on purpose, not by accident.  So what you can do is change your own reality to one where things are going the way you want.  That's what Magick is for.

If you want to duke it out with someone else to change their mind, don't bother with Magick, is all.  Fists and Facebook are there for you to use, instead.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Federal shutdown and other "crises"

If you wish Magick to change your reality, you need to know that you can change your own reality.  However, you can't change other people's reality, no matter how powerful your Magick is.

That doesn't make you a victim, because your reality is still yours.  The whole point of Magick is based on this point alone.

When you fully grasp this one point, you own the key to Magick.