Monday, December 30, 2013

Baby, Who's Driving Your Car

You know what happens to people who have one foot firmly on the brakes and another on the gas?

Nothing, that's what.

A Mage cannot change reality if he's not willing to let go of the past.  Take your foot off the brakes and drive that car!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Waiting On You

The more you wait for other people and events to make your life better, the less control you have over your own life.

You don't get Magick, you take Magick for yourself.  You make it.

If you wait for Magick, you'll be waiting a very long time.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Writes of Winter

Yesterday was the Winter Solstice, so today is truly winter.  Whether you think of it as an astronomical phenomenon or a day that marks the return of the sun gods, it is a fact that the instant of solstice cannot be detected.  It is a fact that from the human point of view the solstice is a relative not an absolute.

But we persist in trying, to know, to identify, to celebrate.  That's why we've got so many rites associated with the solstices.

So as we start out into the heart of winter let me ask you this:  Why did the Master entitle the song "Writes" instead of "Rites"?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Wasting My Time

Believing, wishing and hoping with all your heart and soul aren't going to manifest anything. Actually, trying to change your reality that way is more like a little kind of crazy than like Magick. You know - believing you can fly and then splatting on the concrete?

Believing, wishing and hoping are all "try", not "do" (Yoda did know his stuff). Don't be wasting your time with "try".

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How Many More Times?

Simple answer:  Many, many more times.

That's because as long as you're alive you've got choices to make and new realities to bring about.

What, did you think being a Mage was going to be a piece of cake?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Who's To Blame

A Mage is someone who creates his/her own reality on purpose, using desire + will + ritual.  Everybody else creates their reality by accident.

You've got someone or something in your life you don't want there?  Well, stop giving that reality your attention.  Use your desire and will for what you want, not for what you don't want.

You create your own reality by accident when you focus on what you don't want.  So who's to blame for that?