Monday, March 31, 2014

If You Don't Know

If you don't know what the purpose of life is or why you are here, that's probably because you're looking in the wrong place.

You need to seek within to find your Magick.  You use your Magick to connect to the energy of the Universe, where all answers exist.

And it turns out you can't know, anyway.  Those questions can never be answered - they are koans meant to be constantly reviewed and renewed as greater wisdom is achieved over time.  So don't worry if you don't know.  No one does.


Tuesday, March 18, 2014

She Just Satisfies

You think Magick is going to just change one thing in your life?  Hah!

You'll never be satisfied. You shouldn't be satisfied.  You are the artist who creates your life and you get to tweak and play with your reality right to the very end.

It's your life - you can make it whatever you want.  That's what Magick is for.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Led Zeppelin Remasters

You can get your pre-order buying done right now at

Lots of choices!  (Note image is not a live link.  Use THIS to order).

Monday, March 10, 2014

Most High

This may seem extraordinarily obvious, but it bears saying anyway.

If you want to be happy, shouldn't you just choose that for your reality and make it so?

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Come With Me

Come here.  Go there.  Do this.  Do that.

Lots of people want to tell you what to do.  That's because most people believe if you aren't acting like them you must be against them and that is scary.

Go ahead - be scary.  Just don't be scared.

A Mage stands alone in the center of a reality of his own making.  You can only go there by yourself.