Thursday, October 10, 2013

Help Me

Let's talk painting for a moment.  Light and shade:  When you mix two colors together the result is something between them. Suppose you mix white and black:  you get gray.

Now let's talk about power.  When someone asks for help, that is actually a request for a shot of the greater power of the one being asked.  Good for the one getting the boost, but what about the person giving it?

Let's say that white is the light of infinite power and black the shade of finite personal power.  Mix them and you get something between them.  Gray has its place, but when it's power and not paint, black gains light at the expense of the white.

When you help others who use your power to raise themselves, you'll feel the drain of your energy as it is mixed with theirs.

If you're a Mage being asked for help, think before risking your own pure light.  Change your own reality, not theirs, because you can't really change other people's lives for them, anyway.

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